

It's the first time I saw snow in Vancouver this morning,
like the autumn rain, in the cotton form.

Been here for several years, came and left, been stayed only from sever days to three months each time.
The total length I've stayed make me an three-year-old British Columbian.
Came back more like a guest rather than a residence,
I have never missed the winter, but always missed the snow.

Once they stopped me in the custom, questioned my will to stay.
Replied with the voice only I could hear:
"you can't read my mind, you don't know how I want to stay...."

"You can't read people's mind..." I always believe in it.

Snow also believes it, I think,
how they cover everything in white.

It's snowing, then it stoped; clean and clear.

I think, I'm gonna stay.



"如果你老是看著問題,怎麼會看到解決問題的方案?" Patch Adams* was inspired by this hit, so was I. .... when I remembered. *亞當斯年輕時曾患憂鬱症而住過精神療養院,出院後立志當醫生,唸醫學院的成績非常優異,然而反對傳統醫界那種高高在上的醫師態勢,常在醫院裡扮小丑,逗病人開心。學校老師給他的評語是「過於快樂」,暗示有違醫師形象。派奇亞當斯則說,給病人快樂,不就是醫生的天職嗎?他後來於維吉尼亞州執業,實踐他"歡笑就是最好的處方"的信念。《心靈點滴》 (Patch Adams) He's a doctor, a clown, and a social activist, who wants to change the health care system.



TO: P Just read this from re-reading "A Beautiful Mind"《美麗境界》: 納許(John Nash)說數學家有一種很獨特的能力,「可以汲取一地的精髓,這就是為什麼我們能夠自在地由一個領域轉到另一個領域。」 Are you? Aren't you glad?